
The Emmanuel James Foundation is taking a keen interest in nurturing an environment conscious generation. Partnership with the Education sector will advance our course in ensuring our learners enjoy conducive environment for learning. Our premier activities include;

  • Organizing tree planting activities
  • Mobilizing resources for tree planting
  • Recognizing best schools In environment conservation activities
  • Creating awareness on environment conservation
  • Setting tree nurseries in learning institutions
  • Donating of tree seedlings to schools

Humanitarian Aid

Being able to respond to crisis that call for humanitarian assistance tops among our priorities. Such scenarios include; floods, water shortages, drought, fire incidences, refugees resulting from regional conflict.
Gender Equality and Human Rights
The World today has prioritized human rights as among key emerging trends. Upholding human dignity and protecting the human life stands out as our strongest values.
Our activities include;

  • Celebrating and marking universal gender based days
  • Joining other organizations in marking special days
  • Creating awareness on gender and human rights

Our Featured Projects

Our main objective and goal is promote human dignity and improving the quality of life for those with low income levels. Our annual activities reflect on our impact plan designed to target the various key issues highlighted within communities.


The Education sector is key priority pillar in our programmes. Our Key activities include;

  • Improving existing education infrastructure
  • Facilitating and Upgrading schools sports infrastructure
  • Facilitate education sponsorship for bright and needy students
  • Promote school feeding programmes


As a basic need and right, health ranks a greater challenge to access both affordable and better care. Our key contribution are;

  • Conduct blood donation drives
  • Donation of sanitary pads
  • Conducting health fund drives for special cases
  • Mobilization of Covid 19 measures implementation in learning institution

Youth and Women Empowerment

The Youth and Women have been considered a significant factor in impacting development in all societies. Their contribution triggers important investment with great output.
Our activities mainly involve;

  • Partnering with youth and women groups
  • Supporting SMEs
  • Providing financial support for income generating projects
  • Establishing new partnerships with funding organization
  • Creating an investment fund for upcoming income generating projects
  • Support short business courses to young and women groups